Articles Tagged with: Social Media consultant
Having trouble? Introducing the attribution model

Having trouble grasping how effective social media is? Introducing the attribution model.

Businesses frequently struggle to link specific social media platforms to their attribution model marketing-related goals, objectives, or conversions. As a result, they frequently develop social media strategies based on presumptions or come to the conclusion that social media doesn’t function effectively for them.

Do you want your company to have a better understanding of the customer conversion process? or even get information from their marketing initiatives? Do you also want to know how to monitor the success of your social media campaigns?

An attribution model can be used in this situation.

Businesses utilize an attribution to determine how users found their website and what they did once they were there. They assist you in calculating the number of conversions from each source, the amount of income each source produced, and the percentage of revenue that each source contributed to your entire revenue. Which sources contributed the greatest value? is a crucial issue that an model helps you in answering.

Attribution Model, Attribution, Model, Social media consultant, Social media Marketing, Social, media, consultant, Marketing

What is an attribution model?

Utilizing the social media models, you can determine the ROI of your social media campaign. It is useful when determining whether platforms are worthwhile for time investment.

A technique for assessing a marketing campaign’s efficacy is the attri. model. The purpose of the attribution model is to identify the channels that are generating conversions and sales as well as the value that each channel contributes to your company.

Understanding the attribution model is crucial because it enables you to estimate the proportion of your sales that originate from various channels, such as online advertisements or word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family.

Consider running a campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, for example. Knowing which channels provide the most revenue can help you focus your efforts there. You may accomplish it thanks to the attribution.

Why is an attribution model important?

Marketers are aware of the significance of attribution modeling for social media marketing. This is why:

An avenue where the consumer journey can be followed is social media. Following your consumers’ journeys through various channels and observing how they engage with your brand during the conversion process is one thing. Monitoring their social media activity to determine what factors have the greatest impact on their choice of vendors, however, is a completely different matter.

Attribution Model, Attribution, Model, Social media consultant, Social media Marketing, Social, media, consultant, Marketing

By adjusting your content to appeal to the elements that affect your audience, you may optimize your efforts to get more conversions. Your ads’ chances of connecting with prospective buyers who are already familiar with your brand increase the more tailored they are.

Because they enable marketers to gauge how favorably their audience perceives their brand overall—and how much that perception has evolved over time as a result of certain campaigns or events—social media can shed light on brand equity (as well as positive or negative word-of-mouth).

What are the different types of attribution models?

Marketing on social media is an effective approach to connect with customers and increase revenues. However, if it’s not done correctly, it could end up costing money and time. Because of this, you need to comprehend the various social media models used in social media marketing and how they operate.

Let’s look at six different attribution model kinds.

1. First-Touch attribution model
2. Last-Touch attribution model
3. Linear attribution model
4. Time-Decay Attribution Model
5. U-Shaped Attribution Model
6. Algorithmic Attribution Model


The social media space is one that is continuously changing, therefore you must be able to modify your plan in order to stay on top of it. Finding the attribution that best fits your business is one of the most crucial things you can do. This will enable you to monitor the effectiveness of various social media efforts and identify the ones that lead to actual purchases. If you like this information you can follow me on my social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Check out these tips for Increase your social media share

Check out these tips for Increase your social media share

Whether you like it or not, the success of your content marketing plan will ultimately depend on how many social media shares you can gather. Even if your content is good, current, and strong, that doesn’t guarantee that people are sharing it on social media. However, there are a number of ways to increase your social media share of your content.

The way we share and communicate has completely changed as a result of social media. Today, we share and communicate in very different ways, and the number of people we can contact is remarkable. Even the use and management of social media marketing for businesses has undergone significant change.

Today I will tell you some new and latest ways to increase your social media share. With the help of these methods, you can increase your social media management and reach your content among your target audience.

The benefits of sharing

It goes without saying that every brand wants its followers and clients to share their content. However, having your work shared has other, more tangible advantages besides the increase in attention.

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First, you will receive sincere compliments from your customers without having to pay for a sponsored post or promise them a prize in exchange for sharing something you’ve posted.

Second, your chances of gaining new followers, clients, and money in your bank account improve with each piece of content that your consumers share. The more shares you receive, the more probable it is that social media will help you create leads.

Why are certain posts shared hundreds of times while others aren’t?

You’ve probably questioned why your content isn’t receiving as many shares on social media as other people’s postings do.

The fact is that content goes viral for a reason.

There are a few characteristics that the most popular content pieces have, which I’ll list below. Therefore, keep these suggestions in mind the next time you want your new social media post to receive hundreds of thousands of shares.

Latest tips to increase your social media shares

1 – Optimize your social media profiles

It may be as simple as not having your social media profiles adequately optimized if you’re not receiving any shares from them. This might mean one of the things below:-

Having incomplete contact information

An incorrect website address

Failing to verify your accounts

Lacking all of the photos (profile image, cover image)

Incorrect use of picture sizes

In order to increase your chances of earning shares, make sure your profiles are correctly configured before uploading any content.

2 – Create your content using the platform’s guidelines

Designing your content for the platform you intend to share it on is the first and most crucial step in sharing it.

For instance, since Instagram and Pinterest are primarily photo-sharing websites, you wouldn’t want to make lengthy text-only posts on such platforms. You must use graphics when promoting on these two sites.

Increase your social media share, Increase your social media, social media share, Increase social media share, Increase social media share, Increase, social, media, share, Social Media Consultant, SMO, SMM, Social media marketing

It is ideal to share content on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google+ if it is directly required to be in text-only format. Your view and share counts will suffer if you don’t keep this in mind. In fact, because it will stand out like a sore thumb, folks might not even glance at your post.

3 – Check how the content appears on mobile

More than 52% of all web content is accessed on mobile devices.

Many of your visitors will actually view your content on their phones before ever viewing it on their laptops or PCs, it’s a truth. Therefore, before even attempting to post your information on social media, you must ensure that it is mobile-friendly.

It’s hardly surprising that content that isn’t mobile-ready will have low engagement. People will click on a link, arrive at a page that is difficult for them to access on their phone, and then dismiss the window. If you spend to promote the post, this counts as a bounce and damages your Social Media SEO, conversions, and possibly even your entire marketing budget.

4 – Share at peak times

It is crucial that you share your content during prime time, which is when your target audience is on social media the most. For businesses that operate in numerous nations, this factor is very crucial. If you share your content without considering this aspect, your postings will no longer be visible when your followers log in to their social media accounts. Remember that not everyone has the time to view the stream’s bottom at once.

5 – Follow the trends

If your content is on something that is “old news,” even if it is entertaining, your audience might not want to share it with others.

Increase your social media share, Increase your social media, social media share, Increase social media share, Increase social media share, Increase, social, media, share, Social Media Consultant, SMO, SMM, Social media marketing

By developing content around the most popular and/or trendiest hashtags, you can demonstrate to your audience that you are up to date with the newest trends. You must realize that these hashtags are the main focus of social media sites like Instagram and Twitter.

Furthermore, make sure to first evaluate the context of any item you plan to publish using a specific hashtag. Unaware of what a hashtag genuinely signifies or represents, several brands have used them. This isn’t just embarrassing; in some situations, it could even have a significant negative effect on your brand.

Final thoughts

At this time, it should be obvious that social media marketing alone is insufficient.

Effective social media marketing is what you require.

You shouldn’t just concentrate on making your content intriguing. To get your followers to share your content, you must put out some extra effort. Additionally, take some time to get to know your target audience before you begin doing all of this.

Without a solid understanding of your audience, you can never provide valuable content. You can give them exactly what they will adore and feel compelled to share with others after you know what they like and don’t like.

Now you have complete knowledge to increase your social media shares count. So let’s start

Newest techniques for boosting your Facebook organic reach

Newest techniques for boosting your Facebook organic reach.

Do you desire more Facebook users to view your posts? Are you looking for new approaches to reach a larger audience? You’ll discover the newest techniques in this article for boosting your Facebook organic reach.

For many businesses, Facebook’s organic reach has been declining. Due to the escalating competitiveness in news feeds and the overuse of promotional posting attempts, this has spread across Facebook as a prevalent theme. I am aware that as these developments continue, it is essential for brands and business owners to keep in mind their organic reach and how to maximize it.

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What is Facebook Organic Reach

The number of people you can reach through your company page’s posts on Facebook is known as your organic reach. The number of people you can reach on Facebook as it refers to paid advertisements is known as paid reach. It may additionally help organic reach.

The reach of your content depends on how well it is engaging.

Engagement is the quantity of likes, comments, shares, and other responses to your post.

The reach increases as a post becomes more interesting.

How to Increase Your Facebook Organic Reach

I’ve shared a list of recommendations for increasing your Facebook organic reach below.

1. To be automatic or not

Here, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a social platform. Whether you run a small business or are a worldwide sensation, your company and brand need a personal touch. While it’s important to post about your most recent blogs, announcements, and product updates, you shouldn’t limit yourself to doing so. Share team images and/or recent activities to show your company’s culture to both present and potential customers.

2. Fine-tune your publishing time

It’s crucial to choose the ideal posting time on Facebook to increase your organic reach. This is due to the fact that posting when your target viewers are online boosts your content’s visibility and organic reach. You’ll have that benefit if you are aware of the ideal Facebook posting timings. Examining your performance statistics and identifying a trend of higher interactions is one technique to determine the best posting time for your company.

3. Promote your posts on other platforms

Use additional methods in addition to Facebook to spread the word about your Facebook posts. For example:

Share the article with your email list subscribers: One of the many benefits of having a large email list is that it allows you to promote posts organically. Send a newsletter to your subscribers as soon as a post is published on your website and invite them to share it on Facebook if they find it beneficial. Share the article on additional social media platforms where you are active: Take advantage of those followers by encouraging them to share your Facebook post if you have more followers on Twitter, Instagram, or Google+.

Facebook Organic Reach, Facebook Likes, Facebook followers, Facebook Page likes, Facebook marketing, Consultant, Social Media Consultant, Facebook Consultant, Reach, Organic reach, facebook reach

4. Evergreen content

Freshness is not simply a consideration when it comes to Google rankings. Your audience will benefit from your timeless and original content on Facebook for a longer time rather than a shorter window. It will spread further and stay in feeds for a longer amount of time when you upload content that is not only unique but ageless and resonates to everyone.

5. Utilize video on Facebook

Facebook has had well over one billion video views per day since June 2014 on average. It’s advisable to keep videos under two minutes in length when sharing them to Facebook. You should also pick an appropriate thumbnail and make the video appear professional by utilizing appropriate lighting and editing techniques.

Videos are being used increasingly frequently to increase calls to action. These call-to-actions may include “Book Now,” “Download,” “Shop Now,” or “Learn More,” with a clickable link directing them to the appropriate page to carry out each of those tasks.


Posting high-quality content is what it really comes down to in the end. Let your worth perform the bulk of the job as you concentrate on it. Organic reach is a supporting metric, coming in behind conversions and ROI. This week, reach might be down, but engagement might be up. In today’s world, the balance is precarious. Start by trying out a few of the above tactics. Determine the most effective method for your audience by analyzing the data from your pages!

How to Create a Great Social Media Strategy in 2022

Want to make adjustments to your social media strategy plan in 2022?

For many businesses, developing a social media strategy can be challenging. With so many networks available, it can be difficult to keep up with and incorporate all of their new features into your plan.

It’s even more difficult if you don’t have access to a full-time team of social media specialists. But the reality is that your ability to succeed hinges on having a clear and uncomplicated plan that complements your available resources and objectives.

You’ll understand how to create a social media plan at the end of this article, which will increase traffic and relieve the overwhelming sensation you get when you visit Instagram or Twitter.

What is a social media strategy

An outline of your company’s content posting plans, the duties of your social media staff, and the social media platforms you’ll utilize to advertise your brand constitutes a social media strategy. A social media strategy consists of social media objectives that support the broader digital marketing plan for your company.

Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

Reaching their target audience, determining return on investment, and achieving corporate objectives are the top three difficulties social media marketers face.

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You may overcome these problems and more with the use of social media strategy. Social media tactics also give you the tools you need to define objectives and limits, monitor progress, and adjust your benchmarks over time. You can’t measure what’s working and figure out how to change your behavior to achieve your goals without a starting point.

Let’s get started!

1. Set Your Goals

Setting up a social media marketing plan for a business requires you to first identify the goals that are appropriate for your company. If you run an e-commerce website, increasing sales may be your major objective. Or perhaps you run a blog and depend on social media for traffic. Or maybe you simply want to raise awareness of your brand.

When establishing your goals, you must take into account all of these factors to avoid concentrating on things that are unimportant for your company. Keep in mind that each of your goals should be SMART, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

2. Study Your Target Audience

The next step is to learn as much as you can about your target market. A group of people who fit into your target audience are identified by certain demographics and behaviors. You’ll need to provide detailed responses to a few straightforward questions in order to determine who your target audience is. Identify the characteristics of your ideal clients, including their age, gender, education level, employment position, and occupation.

Get to know them better by learning more about what they enjoy, where they hang out, and their aspirations. By sending out surveys, you may determine who your target market is. Check the brand manual or start from scratch when creating a buyer profile if you work with a new brand.

3. Study Your Competition

The next step in developing a solid strategy is to research your competitors. Check out the information they share, how others react to it, and what has worked and what hasn’t for them. It’s crucial to note that, despite the fact that you should always research your competition, you shouldn’t mimic them. You may stand out and make a difference by knowing when and how to do things differently (or better).

Social Media Strategy, Social Media marketing, Social Media marketing Strategy, Social Media consultant, Social, Media, Strategy, Marketing, Consultant

4. Choose Your Social Media Networks

After researching your target market and your competitors, it’s time to pick which social media platforms to use. You may not need to be active on every social media platform, depending on your business profile. Some may even not be effective for you.

For instance, it makes sense to use Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest if you offer handcrafted goods because these are visual platforms that can help you highlight your work. On the other hand, it might make sense to concentrate your efforts on LinkedIn if you offer B2B services.

5. Create a Brand Style Guide

The next step is to establish a style manual for your social media presence. The manual that directs all of your posts on each social media site is your social media style guide. Fonts to utilize, brand colors, tone of voice, and other elements you might deem important might all be included. If you already have a brand manual, just start there and modify the content to fit the specifics of each social media campaign and platform you use.

6. Grow Your Social Media Presence

It’s time to plan your social media growth once everything is in order, including your research, brand style guide, and content calendar. Here are some of our suggestions on how to make a plan to expand your fan base even more because even the best social media strategy would be meaningless if no one views your pages. Check out what your competitors are doing once more, decide what works best for your company given your objectives, and then test and test some more.


It is clear that developing a social media strategy for a brand is not difficult. And it matters more than you would imagine. Simply get going and develop a social media plan you’re pleased of. You can do a lot if you are consistent, have a solid plan, and conduct extensive research.