Why your brand should have a YouTube Channel?

Businesses utilize YouTube to tell their stories, demonstrate products, launch new products, and otherwise better engage their audience. Today I’ll tell you why you should have a YouTube channel for your brand growth.

The internet is being replaced by video. Everywhere you turn, businesses and brands are producing video content and sharing it on social media and their websites. To engage in and maintain the interest of their target audience, they use meaningful content. After Facebook, YouTube has developed into the second-most popular social media platform in the world since its launch in 2005.

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In terms of search engine traffic, YouTube is second only to its parent firm, Google. With more than 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube is an emphatic resource for businesses looking to establish an online existence and grow their exposure.

Here I am presenting some reasons why you should have a YouTube channel for your brand growth.

1. Reach: YouTube has your target audience
With a stunning 2 billion users, Youtube is the second most used search engine worldwide. YouTube is owned by number one Google. Therefore, it should not be surprising that YouTube follows the same SEO best practices as Google. Marketers should consider their target audience’s demographics and online activity patterns. Internet surfers view videos for six hours and forty-eight minutes on average each week.

2. Intent: Your clients want to find you on YouTube
YouTube users are more focused than users of other social media platforms, who unconsciously scroll through content. Being able to put yourself in your target audience’s shoes is a marketing advantage. By answering the issues that your customers are asking in the title and description of your videos, you can make it simple for your target market to find your brand.

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3. Engagement: People prefer to watch videos than reading
Online videos are predicted to account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022, up from just 12% in 2017. People generally choose to watch a video instead of reading an article, which is a major contributing factor. As a matter of fact, 59% of executives prefer video to text. The cause? Videos help people understand concepts better. When a message is presented in a video, viewers retain 95% of it, compared to only 10% when it is presented in text.

4. Conversion: YouTube engagement assists you acquire new clients
According to the statistics, YouTube’s increased traffic, engagement, and shares ultimately lead to conversion. Overall, marketers who use video increase revenue 49% more quickly than those who do not. The calculations result in a profitable ROI for your company. The goal of YouTube’s algorithm is to guide users toward the most relevant video for their query while also retaining their interest and keeping them viewing. The fact that YouTube offers tools like playlists, cards, and end screens to keep viewers interested in your videos makes it even better for marketers.

Bottom Line

Many small and midsize businesses are still hesitant to embrace YouTube as a social media platform, but when they do, the advantages are substantial. Even average videos offer opportunities for involvement that increase website traffic and revenue. Your brand will soar to new heights if you can persuade your audience that your company is a group of individuals working toward success rather than just a name on a website.